mine de platine booysendal

Booysendal showcases exceptional expansion

The new R4.2 billion Greenfields Booysendal South project, with three defined target areas situated adjacent to the North mine, will by 2022 effectively double …

Engineering News

Booysendal South mine will sustain production at 250 000 oz of 4E PGMs for more than 25 years. Northam has said that expansion of the project is possible.

Booysendal Platinum Expansion Project

The Booysendal Mine is situated on the border of the Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces, with its footprint extending into both provinces. The mine is located about 50 …

Booysendal South platinum mine project, South Africa – …

Booysendal South mine will sustain production at 250 000 oz of 4E PGMs for more than 25 years. In an innovative application of engineering solutions, Northam …


The development of the third Merensky mine and the first in the Booysendal South, commenced in 2019, with steady state (35ktpm) being planned to be attained by 2023. …

Booysendal expansion plans well under way

Mining and production expansion plans at platinum group metals miner Northam Platinum's Booysendal mine are progressing on schedule, with the mine's …


The shallow, mechanised, room and pillar Booysendal UG2 North mine is located near the town of Mashishing (formerly Lydenburg) on the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. …

Northam Platinum's Booysendal operation: Looking true North

Northam's Booysendal platinum mine, located on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld complex near the town of Mashishing (previously Lydenburg), has achieved …

Booysendal South platinum mine project, South Africa – …

Booysendal South mine will sustain production at 250 000 oz of refined platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold, or 4E PGMs, for more than 25 years.