galamsey exploitation minière ghana

How should Ghana manage the Galamsey crisis?

Individuals that fall under the galamsey category should be encouraged to form cooperatives in local communities and be trained in environmentally safe and responsible ways of mining. Ghana's ...

The good in evil: a discourse analysis of the galamsey industry in Ghana

Abstract. Galamsey, a low-tech, labour-intensive, small-scale mining activity in Ghana, has recently come under intense criticism and state policing despite being an important livelihood source.Based on empirical research, this paper uses discourse analysis to re-examine galamsey politics in Ghana, focusing on why people are engaged in …

Une fraternité catholique demande la fin de l'exploitation minière

Le galamsey, un terme courant pour désigner l'exploitation minière illégale au Ghana, est devenu récemment une préoccupation du gouvernement en raison de la destruction qu'il cause à l'environnement. Le gouvernement ghanéen a commencé à utiliser son armée nationale pour réprimer les mineurs illégaux sur les berges des rivières du pays.

La stratégie du Ghana pour régler le problème de …

Connue au Ghana sous la dénomination « Galamsey », l'exploitation artisanale illégale a pris de l'ampleur, et environ un million de Ghanéens se livrent à cette pratique qui ferait …

Galamsey: Ghana's illegal mining menace threatens …

Mary Appiah Opinion Aug - 04 - 2023, 20:02. Galamsey, an illegal form of small-scale mining, has emerged as a pressing environmental and social issue in Ghana. Advertisement. The illicit mining ...

Ghana – Big Man, Big Envelope, Finish: Chinese Corporate Exploitation

In contrast to alluvial small-scale mining in southern Ghana, in the Upper East it is hard rock mining undertaken in (relatively shallow) underground shafts and it is entirely artisanal and small-scale, at least until the arrival of SMGHL. Like elsewhere in Ghana, ASM here involves a mixture of licensed and unlicensed galamsey miners.

Is illegal mining socio-politically entrenched? An opinion

Gold mining has been the backbone of Ghana's development since pre-colonial times. It has been essential in revenue mobilisation and the provision of employment to many people. However, in recent times the sector has received severe public backlash due to its inability to effect appropriate socioeconomic change; and the …

Production de cacao: L'exploitation minière illégale fait …

L'exploitation minière artisanale illégale est devenue depuis quelques années, un véritable casse-tête pour le gouvernement ghanéen et une sérieuse menace pour la cacaoculture dans ce pays. Selon le site agenceecofin, le Conseil ghanéen du cacao (Cocobod) a souligné, récemment, que cette pratique, connue localement sous le …

Spatial distribution patterns of illegal artisanal small scale …

1. Introduction. Mantey et al., defines "galamsey" as the practice of illicitly mining and/or extracting gold found either at or below soil and water surface in Ghana. It is an illegal or unregulated form of artisanal small scale gold mining (ASM) and could either be in a stand-alone mining mode, a stand-alone processing or gold extraction mode or in a …

Economics, policy, politics of fight against galamsey

The state's policy approach. In tracing the state's policy approach in the fight against galamsey, it appears that regularisation has been central (Small Scale Gold Mining Law, PNDCL 218 ...

Galamsey : exploitation...

Galamsey : exploitation minière frauduleuse de l'or au Ghana.

Chinese Technology and the Transformation of the Rural Economy in Ghana

debates around chinese involvement in ghana's artisanal gold mining surged in 2013 when the John Mahama government launched a campaign to 'flush out' Chinese migrants engaged in galamsey. 1 Similar operations continued in the following years. The current Nana Akufo-Addo administration pledges to end illegal mining through more …

Galamsey In Ghana And Its Health Implications

Galamsey or artisanal mining involves rudimentary techniques of mineral extraction, highly manual processes, hazardous working conditions and low levels of environmental and health awareness ...

Galamsey: Ghana's illegal mining menace threatens …

Galamsey, an illegal form of small-scale mining, has emerged as a pressing environmental and social issue in Ghana. The illicit mining practice involves the …

Why is Ghana losing the war against illegal gold mining

Drawing upon (Aryadoust and Baghaei 2016), we chose a training sample of 70% and 30% as our testing data to execute the ANN model. This splitting scheme was, therefore, used as the rules on the number of hidden layers and iterations to be executed. We chose the multilayer … See more

Galamsey in Ghana: A Conforming Case to Interpol's Study

Abstract: Ghana's burgeoning galamsey crisis represents a striking embodiment of the modus operandi outlined by Interpol's study on illegal mining via ILLEGAL MINING AND ASSOCIATED CRIMES-INTERPOL.Despite not being explicitly mentioned in the study, Ghana fits squarely within the framework outlined, …

Galamsey and the Making of a Deep State in Ghana: …

Drawing upon primary data gathered at Abosso, a galamsey site in the Western Region of Ghana, this article argues that until the underlying causes of socioeconomic mar­ …

The footprints of galamsey in Ghana: The Western Region …

Project documenting illegal gold mining or 'galamsey' operations in the Western Region of Ghana and their environmental impacts. Researchers also outline a …

The Illegal Artisanal and Small-scale mining (Galamsey) …

The Illegal Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (Galamsey) 'Menace' in Ghana: Is a Military-Style Approach the Answer? The artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector accounts for approximately 31 percent of the total gold production in Ghana and plays a significant role in the economic development of the country.


The Media Coalition Against Galamsey is therefore calling on well-meaning Ghanaians, Civil Society Organizations to join hands with the media to help mount continued pressure on our Leaders, both Political and Traditional to help save Ghana's water bodies and preserve our environment for future generations. Losing this war is not an option.

The economics, policy and politics of the fight against galamsey

The economics of galamsey During my doctoral dissertation research work some twelve years ago on the political economy of resource governance in Ghana, I learned quite a bit about galamsey.

Galamsey Fight in Ghana: An Analysis of Failure of …

study found that the failure of government interventions since 1989 is as a. result of a lack of proper planning of programmes aimed at dealing with illegal. gold mining and poor collaboration ...

Geospatial characterisation and distribution of Illegal gold

In addition, Nadowli-Kaleo District is dominated by the underground pit galamsey. Wa East District was the hotspot of illegal mining activities (1644 sightings) in the region. Based on the characterisation, this study, argued that galamsey activities in Upper West Region are still at the rudimentary stage as compared to other geographies …

The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Mining in Ghana

The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Mining in Ghana. March 29, 2020 JPEG. People have been mining for gold in Ghana for centuries. Long before European colonists set foot in the area in the 1400s, Ghanaians looked for gold with pickaxes, shovels, and pans. They washed or "panned" for gold along river banks or dug holes on the surface to …


Strategies for environmental restoration and sustainable community development.


Artisanal Small-scale mining (ASM), popularly known as 'galamsey' in the mineral-rich country of Ghana, is a fast-growing phenomenon that is present in several other countries with underground mineral resources. Coined from the English phrase, "gather and sell", galamsey has become a subject of great concern for governmental …

Gold, Guns, and China: Ghana's fight to end galamsey

In 2016 alone, an estimated $2.3 billion worth of gold left the shores of Ghana through galamsey. The illicit trade avoids taxation and the prevalence of foreign …

Illegal Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana: A Public …

7. Bondah DA. Natural Resources Exploitation and National Security: A Case Study of Illegal Mining in Ghana. 2020 8. Osman N, Afele JT, Nimo E, Gorleku DO, Ofori LA, Abunyewa AA. Assessing the impact of illegal small-scale mining (Galamsey) on cocoa farming and Farmer livelihood: A case study in the Amansie West District of Ghana. …

Exploitation minière illégale : le Ghana perd des millions de …

Exploitation minière illégale : le Ghana perd des millions de dollars...Lire cet article sur Orishas-fiance. Les actualités de la BRVM en Flux RSS. ... Il a aussi indiqué que pour la campagne 2021/2022 du cacao, le "Galamsey" est cité parmi les principales causes des mauvaises performances du secteur. « Le phénomène aurait fait perdre 4 ...

Ghana's battle against illegal mining: A call for sustainable …

In the lush landscapes of Ghana, illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey, has cast a dark shadow over the nations development. It threatens the environment, society and economy of the country.

The outbreak of artisanal and small-small gold mining (galamsey …

"The outbreak of artisanal and small-small gold mining (galamsey) operations in Ghana: Institutions, politics, winners and losers" 1 April 2022 This paper focuses on the outbreak of illegal mining (galamsey) operations in Ghana in recent times claiming that the outbreak is accompanied by massive environmental destruction including pollution of …

The Illegal Artisanal and Small-scale mining (Galamsey) 'Menace…

The aim of this study is three-fold: 1) to provide evidence that the use of a military-style approach to tackle illegal ASM is only a short-term, superficial solution, which fails to address the complex and interconnected forces driving people into illegal ASM; 2) to offer some recommendations for addressing the 'menace' of illegal ASM in ...

Tackling galamsey impact: Land reclamation needed in 5 …

The scars and devastating impact of illegal mining activities, popularly known as galamsey, are staring in the faces of residents of mining communities in the …

Galamsey: The menace destroying Ghana | Pulse Ghana

Illegal mining, commonly known as "Galamsey," has been a significant issue in Ghana over the last decade. It has caused the country environmental degradation, social problems, and economic challenges.

Ghana Galamsey: Illegal mining pit collapse for Ghana kill three

Rescue efforts dey go on for Ghana after Galamsey pit collapse and kill three persons for Denkyira Breman, Central Region. Officials say de pit trap some 20 more persons who rescue workers dey try ...

Causes and effects of galamsey in Ghana – Ing. Dr. Togbi …

Now, with the emergence of these galamsey sites, trees are being cut down. The rain is becoming scarce and global warming is being felt. Another effect of galamsey is that it causes domestic brain drain. It is the largest cause of domestic brain drain in Ghana. Young, educated and brilliant minds end up wasting their energies in these illegal ...